• Teacher Development: Work in tandem with our universities and colleges to create programs to support professional development for teachers, including mentorship and coaching opportunities. This includes investing in initiatives where retired teachers can mentor and coach rising educators, ensuring a transfer of knowledge and expertise.

  • Quality Public School Education: John will fight to REinvest in our public schools so that every child receives an equitable quality education that prepares them for success in Iowa and in the global world. 

  • Special Education: Fight for adequate resources and support for students with special needs to make sure they receive the individualized attention and services they require to succeed.

  • Affordable College: John will fight for policies that are inclusive, accessible, and affordable for all Iowans, regardless of their background or financial status.


  • Fair Wages: John will fight for living wages that ensure hardworking Iowans can support themselves and their families.

  • Worker Protections: John will continue his life’s mission to strengthen labor laws to safeguard workers' rights and ensure safe working conditions in the state of Iowa 

  • Access to Education and Training: Work with our unions in Investing in education and job training programs to equip individuals with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. Committed to investing in youth development via apprenticeships 

  • Equitable Taxation: Join believes in a tax structure that ensures the wealthy pay their fair share and supports essential public services and those who are most disadvantaged in our communities 

  • Small Businesses: Together, John is committed to finding resources and incentives for entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive and create jobs in HD 34 and across Iowa communities

  • Accessibility and Inclusion: As a father who raised a daughter with disabilities, John will be a staunch advocate for accessible public spaces, transportation, and services to ensure full participation and inclusion for individuals with disabilities in the state of Iowa.

  • Employment Opportunities: Work with organizations leading the work to create policies that support hiring practices inclusive of individuals with disabilities and provide resources for vocational/ job training and accommodations.

  • Housing and Independent Living: Work to create policies that support and uplift affordable and accessible housing options and services that enable individuals with disabilities to live independently and with dignity.

  • Healthcare Access: John will work hard to push policies that ensure equitable access to healthcare services, including specialized care and support for individuals with disabilities.


  • Making sure every Iowan has equal access to the ballot box is fundamental to our democracy. John is committed to protecting and expanding voting rights for all. This includes advocating for measures such as automatic voter registration, early voting opportunities, and accessible polling locations. He will work tirelessly to dismantle barriers to voting, such as voter suppression tactics and restrictive identification requirements.

  • John will support efforts to restore voting rights to disenfranchised individuals, including those with past felony convictions. By safeguarding the right to vote, we empower every Iowan to have a voice in shaping the future of our state. We have a choice to elect the best for all the people in this election; let’s protect it. 

Democracy & Voting Rights